Here’re some murals I did solo or to represent Herakut in the past.
The Early years
Following there’re canvases and little art snippets I created during my (really) earlier days as an artist purely into graffiti and street art, which I don’t want to withheld.
“Turntable” spray paint on canvas | 50×110 cm | 1999 spray paint and marker on canvas | 30×60 cm | 2002 “77AK91” spray paint on canvas | 2002 spray paint and marker on canvas | 70×100 cm | 2003 spray paint and marker on canvas | 60×80 | 2003 “Cross” spray paint on canvas | 100×100 cm | 2003 “Hand” spray paint on canvas | 70×110 cm | 2003 “Guard” spray paint and marker on canvas | 59×84 cm | 2003 spray paint and marker on canvas | 80×100 cm | 2004 “Minedropper” | 2004 “Cross” spray paint on wood | 100×140 cm | 2005 “Mask” | 2005 eye detail | 2006